An Official Journal of Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
e-ISSN: 2449-9145
Introduction. This work presents the experiences of the Centre for the Treatment of Burns in Siemianowice OEl¹skie in the application of dressings with human amniotic membrane, in 15 patients with thermal burn IIb° /III°. Material and methods. We described both the properties of the amniotic membrane and the techniques of its acquisition, preparation and storage. In this publication we present the techniques of applying the dressing and the evaluation of its efficiency. Results. Total healing of burn wounds with dressing from human amniotic membrane was reached in 8 patients (53,3%). During the treatment with amniotic membrane dressing, we observed complications in one patient - septic infection. The treatment with the dressing ranged from 4 to 10 days (on average 6,6 days). Conclusions. The carried out examinations proved efficiency of wounds treatment with human amniotic membrane dressings. It depends on the duration of the wound dressing as well as the depth and surface and localization of the burn. After observation, we can state that the application of the dressing with human amniotic membrane is an easy, safe and effective method of burn treatment.
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